In MAD MODA MODE S.L. (hereinafter, YOYO SAGAL) we work to offer you through our products and services the best possible experience. In some cases, it is necessary to collect information. We care about your privacy and we believe that we should be transparent about it. In compliance with the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679, related to personal data protection of natural persons and the free circulation of these data, and Law 34/2002 from July 11, related to information society services and e-commerce (LSSI), we inform you that at YOYO SAGAL we process the personal data you provide us with for the following purposes:
- Your data is collected to improve the user experience, according to your interests and needs. We are transparent in relation to the data we obtain about you and the reason we do it.
- Our intention is to offer you the best possible experience. Therefore, when we use your personal information we will always comply with the regulations, and when necessary, we will request your consent.
- We understand that your data belongs to you. Therefore, if you decide not to authorize us to process them you can ask us to stop procesing them.
- Our priority is to guarantee your security and manage your data in accordance with European regulations
Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?
Identiry: MAD MODA MODE, SLPostal address: Arroyo Bueno, 49. 28021 Madrid, España – NIF: B88026778 Email:
YOYO SAGAL has appointed a data protection delegate or an internal contact person within your organization. If you wish to make an inquiry regarding the processing of your personal data, you can contact her using the following email address: personal data we do collect?
The personal data that the user can provide:- Name, address and date of birth.
- Phone number and email address.
- Location.
- Information regarding payments and returns.
- IP address, date and time in which you have accessed our services, internet browser you use and data on the operating system of the device.
- Any other information or data that you decide to share with us.
Why and what do we treat your data for?
In YOYO SAGAL we manage the information provided for the following purposes:- To manage orders or hire any of our services, either online or in physical stores.
- To manage the sending of the information requested.
- To develop commercial actions and perform the maintenance and management of the relationship with the user, as well as the management of the services offered through the website and the information work, being able to perform automatic valuations, obtaining profiles and segmentation tasks of the customers in order to customize the deal according to their characteristics and needs and improve the online customer experience.
- To develop and manage contests, draws or any other promotional activities that can be organized.
- In some cases it will be necessary to provide information to the authorities or third companies for audit reasons, as well as to manage personal data of invoices, contracts and documents to respond to complaints from customers or public administrations.
What is the legitimation of the processing of your personal data?
The processing of your data can be based on the following legal bases:- Consent of the interested party for the contracting of services and products, for contact forms, requests for information or registration in e-newsletters.
- Legitimate interest for the management of our customers data in direct marketing actions and the express consent of the interested party for everything related to automatic valuations and profiling.
- Compliance with legal obligations for fraud prevention, communication with public authorities and third party claims.
How long do we keep your data?
The processing of the data for the purposes described will be maintained for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose of its collection (for example, while the commercial relationship lasts), as well as for compliance with the legal obligations arising from the management of the data.To which recipients are your personal data be communicated?
In some cases, only when necessary, YOYO SAGAL will provide user data to third parties. However, the data will never be sold to third parties. External service providers (for example, payment providers or delivery companies) with whom YOYO SAGAL works may use the data to provide the corresponding services, however they will not use such information for their own purposes or for transfer to third parties. YOYO SAGAL procure to ensure the security of personal data when sent outside the company and ensures that third-party service providers respect confidentiality and have the appropriate measures to protect personal data. These third parties have an obligation to ensure that the information is managed in accordance with the data privacy regulations. In some cases, the law may require that personal data be disclosed to public bodies or other parties, only what is strictly necessary for the fulfilment of such legal obligations will be disclosed. The personal data obtained may also be shared with other companies in the group.Where is your data stored?
In general, data is stored within the EU. The data that is sent to third parties that do not belong to the EU, we will ensure that they offer a sufficient level of protection, either because they have binding corporate standards (BCR) or because they have adhered to the “Privacy Shield”.What are your rights and how can you exercise them?
You can direct your communications and exercise your rights through a request in the following email: Under the provisions of the GDPR you can request:- Right of access: you can request information about the personal data we have about you.
- Right of rectification: you can communicate any change in your personal data.
- Right of deletion and oblivion: you can request the deletion after blocking personal data.
- Right to limit the processing: it implies the restriction of the processing of personal data.
- Right to object: you can withdraw the consent to the processing of the data, opposing its continued management.
- Right to portability: in some cases, you can request a copy of the personal data in a structured, commonly used format and mechanical reading for transmission to another responsible person.
- Right not to be subject to individualized decisions: you can request that decisions not be made based solely on automated processing, including profiling, that produces legal effects or significantly affects the interested party.